You do not need everything on this list...
- Newsprint or white drawing paper pad: 50 sheets, 18 x 24"
(do not get a 100 sheet pad!!!)
- 2 ea. of the following: Black, Medium Gray, White, & assortment of papers
- Papers that you have prepared and/or pads of paper: 18" x 24" or larger
- plus, your choice of sketchbook
- Kneaded
- Mono or Factis pencil eraser
- Chamois - get a large one @ Target or auto supply store & cut into 6" squares
- Compressed Charcoal: 2 sticks
- Jumbo Vine Charcoal: 4 sticks
- Smallest diameter Soft Vine Charcoal: 1 pkg.
- Conte Crayons, at least 1 of each: Sanquine, White, Gray, and Black
- Conte Pastel Pencils, at least 1 of each: Black, White, and Sepia
- Pastels: 48 or 64 pack
HARD: Studio Basics, SMI, Alpha, NuPastel, or Rembrandt
SOFT: Schmincke, Sennelier, Winsor & Newton, or Unison
- 2" Hog Bristle Brush
- At least two colors of ink: black & your choice (highly recommend French or Italian drawing ink such as: Sennelier walnut shellac ink
- Brushes of various types & sizes
- Calligraphy pen / staff & nibs of various types & sizes / twigs / straws
- Calligraphy felt tip pens / brush pens
- Ball point pens
- H or 2H pencil
Your choice of papers: watercolor block, parchment, Yupo, Chinese calligraphy papers, Bristol in vellum or smooth surface, etc
Watercolor/ gouache
- Your choice of watercolor: Crayola watercolor set from the grocery is fine
- Lukas or other watercolor sets are on-line
- Brushes of various types & sizes
- Your choice of papers: watercolor paper, hot or cold pressed or prepared papers, etc
- Crayola crayons or China markers
- Pastel / Conté / Derwent Graphtint / Sketch & Wash pencils
- Frisket
- Workable Spray Fixative: Krylon, Blair, or Sennelier
- Bulldog Clips: 2 to 4, large size (at least 2 / write your name on them)
- 1" Masking Tape
- Gesso 4 oz. jar: white / black
- Pencil Sharpener with cup for shavings
- Sanding Block
Supply List